Friday, July 4, 2014

CSP developing ideas

For concentrating solar power (CSP) there are four different technology approaches – parabolic trough, power tower, linear reflector, and sterling dish .we will talk here about linear reflector technology .

That is  use a series of ground-based, flat or slightly curved mirrors placed at different angles to concentrate the sunlight onto a fixed receiver located several meters above the mirror field. 

Each line of mirrors is equipped with a single axis tracking system to concentrate the sunlight onto the fixed receiver. The receiver consists of a long, selectively-coated tube where flowing water is converted into saturated steam (DSG or Direct Steam Generation). Since the focal line in the FR plant can be distorted by astigmatism .

While the optical efficiency of the FR system is lower than that of the PT systems ,i think we can improve that by another way with increasing the fluid temperature .
What if we change the system of the receiver ?
Instead of The receiver consists of a long, selectively-coated tube ,
we wont make the tube as straight line .
the long tube will consist of a lot of small tubes .each of them will have some mirrors concentrating the sun light on it alone .
we will change a bit in the structure of the small tube .
the outer of the tube will be smaller than the inner.
the outer of the second tube will be small than the outer of the first ,so the fluid in the tube wont flow normally .
fluid flow will be slower ,so its temperature will be larger

 The use of molten salt at 550°C for either heat transfer or storage purposes is under demonstration. High temperature molten salt may increase both plant efficiency (e.g. 15%-17%) and thermal storage capacity .

The main advantage of CSP against other sources of renewable energy such as PV or wind is the capability to provide dispatchable power – by storing solar energy in thermal reservoirs and releasing it as and when it's needed i.e. during periods of peak power demand, during cloudy weather or even at night. So storage can eliminate intermittency as well as extend energy production past sun-set.
Another advantage to CSP is that it can be used as part of a hybrid energy source, in that a regular gas fired plant can be used to heat the HTF/TES materials (see below) in the event of solar down time. This configuration is much like the early hybrid cars.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Light from the sun

The sun is an average star. It has been burning for more than 4-billion years, and it will burn at least that
long into the future before erupting into a giant red star, engulfing the earth in the process.
Some stars are enormous sources of X-rays; others mostly generate radio signals. The sun, while producing
these and other energies, releases 95% of its output energy as light, some of which cannot be seen by the
human eye. The peak of its radiation is in the green portion of the visible spectrum. Most plants and the
human eye function best in green light since they have adapted to the nature of the sunlight reaching them. The sun is responsible for nearly all of the energy available on earth. The exceptions are attributable to moontides, radioactive material, and the earth's residual internal heat. Everything else is a converted form of
the sun's energy: Hydropower is made possible by evaporation-transpiration due to solar radiant heat;
the winds are caused by the sun's uneven heating of the earth's atmosphere; fossil fuels are remnants of
organic life previously nourished by the sun; and photovoltaic electricity is produced directly from sunlight
by converting the energy in sunlight into free charged particles within certain kinds of materials.

The Nature of Light Energy :

Light is energy. You need only touch a black surface exposed to the sun to realize this fact. An understanding
of the nature of light will help in comprehending how solar cells work.
The sun's light looks white because it is made up of many different colors that, combined, produce a white
light. Each of the visible and invisible radiations of the sun's spectrum has a different energy. Within the visible
part of the spectrum (red to violet), red is at the low-energy end and violet is at the high-energy end having
half again more energy as red light. Light in the infrared region (which we can't see but feel as heat)
has less energy than that in the visible region. Light in the ultraviolet region(which is invisible but causes the
skin to tan) has more than that in the the visible region.

Today, photovoltaic systems are capable of transforming one kilowatt of solar energy falling on one square
meter into about a hundred watts' of electricity. One hundred watts can power most household appliances: a
television, a stereo, an electric typewriter, or a lamp. In fact, standard solar cells covering the sun-facing roof
space of a typical home can provide about 8500-kilowatthours of electricity annually, which is about the
average household's yearly electric consumption. By comparison, a modern, 200-ton electric-arc steel furnace, demanding 50,000 kilowatts of electricity,
would require about a square kilometer of land for a PV power supply.